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Single Family Dwelling or Duplex

For the sake of providing an accurate fee quote, you need to determine if the home is considered a Single Family Dwelling, Single Family Dwelling with In-law unit, Duplex, or a Multiple Family Dwelling.

Single Family Dwelling - This is a home designed for a single family. It will generally have one electrical service, one water service and one gas service. There will be one kitchen and the home will not be designed for renting out part of it to another family or family member.

PLEASE NOTE: Pre-1978 properties are target housing for Lead-based paint. It is strongly recommended that a Lead Hazard Screen be performed, especially if children under six and/or elderly people will be residing in the home.

Single Family Dwelling with Legal Accessory Apartment - This is a home designed for a Single Family, but the home also has provisions for a separate living area, although it can still be used as one large SFD. There will usually only be one electric, water, and gas meter. A sure indicator of an In-law unit is a second kitchen. Kitchens require more time, thus a higher fee. There is usually also a separate entrance, but not always. In-law units also place more liability upon the buyer if they ever decide to rent out the space. Knowing this, extra care is taken to identify any Health & Safety improvements needed to protect the Buyer's liability. If the accessory apartment is a legal accessory apartment, then everybody will be telling you, i.e., Seller, agent, etc. It is still the best advice to verify with the city as to the zoning and allowed uses for the property.

PLEASE NOTE: Pre-1978 properties are target housing for Lead-based paint. It is strongly recommended that a Lead Hazard Screen be performed, especially since this might be a rental situation.

Legal Duplex - A true duplex is a structure that is designed with separate services. This includes separate gas, electric and water hook-ups. The units are usually matching and either side by side or top and bottom. The higher fee is due to the fact that it is really two separate homes that share a common wall. If the property is a true legal Duplex, then everybody will be telling you, i.e., Seller, agent, etc. It is still the best advice to verify with the city as to the zoning and allowed uses for the property.

PLEASE NOTE: Pre-1978 properties are target housing for Lead-based paint. It is strongly recommended that a Lead Hazard Screen be performed, especially since this will be a rental situation.

Non-Conforming Duplex - This type of duplex is much more common in Northern Utah. The Non-Conforming Duplex is a partially changed Single Family Dwelling that allows a second family to move in. Liabilities are higher due to Health & Safety issues and the lack of a true Duplex design. Mechanical systems are intermixed and the utility hook-ups are generally combined. If you are considering purchasing a Non-Conforming Duplex, it is strongly recommended that you check with the city records to verify what uses the property is zoned. It is not uncommon for a new buyer to later find out that the city will not allow renting out the Non-Conforming Duplex to another family. It may be a potential "can-of-worms", but it is better to open it before you buy than after.

PLEASE NOTE: Pre-1978 properties are target housing for Lead-based paint. It is strongly recommended that a Lead Hazard Screen be performed, especially since this will be a rental situation.

Duplex, Non-Conforming, & In-Law Fees

Please refer to the drop down fee structure on the online order form

Multiple Family Dwellings - This is a property with provisions for 3 or more families. The fee quotes cannot be posted on this site because each property is unique. It requires specific quoting depending on the scope of the overall inspection. Please call us at 801-225-8020.


Changing the Way Real Estate is Inspected in Northern Utah!

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